By-law complaints can be registered through our website by clicking the button below.
Note: anonymous complaints are no longer being received. The name, address, and contact information of the complainant is a requirement on the By-law complaint form.
Relief from Noise By-law |
The Noise By-law provides standards for Noise in Port Colborne. Relief from Noise By-law application can be requested for events or activities that may be in contravention of the Noise By-law. Examples include:
Note: Please submit your application at least 30 – 45 days in advance of the event or activity. Application Fee (due upon submission):
Relief from Fence By-law |
The Fence By-law provides standards for Fences in Port Colborne. Relief from Fence By-law application can be requested for heights and setbacks, or materials used that may be in contravention of the Fence By-law. Examples include:
Note: Please submit your application at least 30 – 45 days in advance of the installation of the fence or compliance with an order registered against the property. Application Fee (due upon submission): $605.00 |
Relief from Sign By-law |
The Sign By-law provides standards for Signs in Port Colborne. Relief from Sign By-law application can be requested for sign locations, setbacks or wall coverage, that may be in contravention of the Sign By-law. Examples include:
Note: Please submit your application at least 30 – 45 days in advance of the installation of the sign or compliance with an order registered against the property. Application Fee (due upon submission): $940.00 |
Relief from Pool By-law |
The Pool By-law provides standards for Swimming Pools in Port Colborne. Relief from Pool By-law application can be requested for pool locations, setbacks, or wall coverage, that may be in contravention of the Sign By-law. Examples include:
Note: Please submit your application at least 30 – 45 days in advance of the installation of the sign or compliance with an order registered against the property Application Fee (due upon submission): $520.00 |
Encroachment By-law Application |
The Encroachment By-law provides standards for encroaching onto, under, or over City property in Port Colborne. The Encroachment By-law Application Form can be requested for locations, or, materials, objects on, under or over City property for the Encroachment By-law. Examples include:
Note: Please submit your application at least 30 to 45 days in advance of the erection or placement of the encroachment, or compliance with an order registered against the property Application Fee (due upon submission): $460.00 Annual Renewal Fee: $135.00 |
Relief from Discharge of Firearms By-law |
The Discharge of Firearms By-law provides standards for discharging Firearms in Port Colborne. Relief from the Discharge of Firearms By-law Application Form can be requested for locations, or events the Discharge of Firearms By-law. Examples include:
Note: Please submit your application at least 30 – 45 days in advance of the event or discharge of the firearm, or compliance with an order registered against the property Application Fee (due upon submission): $125.00 |
Payment Options for Relief Applications
Payment for relief applications are required after your submission. Online credit card payments are available when applications are submitted.
Please note: If payment is not received, the application will not be reviewed.
In person: |
You can pay for your relief application in person at the cashier counter on the first floor of City Hall in Port Colborne located at 66 Charlotte Street. We accept cash, debit, cheques, bank drafts or money orders. Credit card payments can only be done online. Hours of Operation Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. (closed on all statutory holidays) |
By mail: |
Make your cheque payable to the City of Port Colborne and mail to: City of Port Colborne 66 Charlotte Street Port Colborne, ON L3K 3C8
Afterhours drop box: |
There is a 24-hour mail drop slot located at the front left of City Hall.
Make your cheque payable to the City of Port Colborne.
Property Standards By-law Appeal |
If you have received a Property Standards Order you can complete the Property Standards By-law Notice of Appeal Form to appeal to the Property Standards Committee. To formally appeal, you must complete the Notice of Appeal form, and pay the $525.00 (non-refundable) fee within fourteen days after the service of the order. You will find the due date of the appeal on the form titled City of Port Colborne Order to Remedy under the Appeal to Property Standards Committee section. Failure to send out the appeal in time will result in the Order being deemed confirmed with no further option for appeal. If you have any questions or concerns regarding registering your appeal call By-law Services at 905-228-8080 or email Application Fee (due upon submission): $525.00 non-refundable |
Non-parking AMPS Request for Screening/Hearing |
The Administrative Monetary Penalty System (AMPS) is a fast and flexible process for payment, appeal and collection of municipal penalties. AMPS is fully managed by the City of Port Colborne and replaced the former judicial appeal process. Once a penalty notice has been issued, the recipient has the following options: 1. Pay the Penalty Notice (see below for payment options), or 2. Request a review by a Screening Officer using the AMPS Screening Form. Request for ScreeningHow can I request a review? The Penalty Notice recipient (the person named on the penalty notice) may request an initial review (Screening) of the Penalty Notice by a Screening Officer by submitting a request using the AMPS Screening Form. What if I am still not satisfied with the results of the Screening? If the matter is still in dispute following the review by the Screening Officer, you may request a review by a Hearing Officer. A request must be made within fifteen (15) calendar days following the Screening Officer's decision. It is important to note that you may only appeal the Screening Officer's decision and the only information/evidence that was submitted at the Screening will be considered at a Hearing review. If you wish to proceed with a Hearing review following a decision made by the Screening Officer, please contact By-law Services at 905-228-8096 or by email to Does it cost anything to request a Screening or Hearing? No. A fee is not charged to review a Penalty Notice. When and where are Screening and Hearing reviews held? All Screening and Hearing reviews are scheduled at the first available date possible. Screening reviews can be held via written request as well by video conference. Hearing reviews may be in-person or by video conference only. What if I don't attend a scheduled Screening or Hearing review? Failure to attend will proceed with review of the information provided and a written decision will be provided. When in-person or video conference is confirmed, a failure to appear fee of $100.00 for a Screening and $250.00 for a Hearing will be applied to the Penalty Notice. What happens if I do nothing with my Penalty Notice? If you do not appeal or pay your Penalty Notice, in addition to possible administration/late payment fees, the penalty will be applied onto the property owner's tax account and collected as municipal taxes. What are my options for payment? |
By-law Variance Ongoing/Open Files
In an effort to be open and transparent, By-law Variance applications will now be posted on our website and open to resident feedback for those which are not temporary variances. By-law Variance results will also be posted for resident information and/or future reference.
Interested in getting notified of By-law Variance applications? Subscribe to receive updates to this page by clicking the subscribe button found on this webpage. You can also visit our detailed subscription page and enter your information to receive Public Notices, City Hall News, Media Releases and more. Should you require any assistance or have any questions, please call 905-228-8096.
Street | Address | Status | By-law | Reference Number | Attachments | Closes | Submit Comments |
Empire Rd. | 490 Empire Rd. (Sun Retreats Sherkston Shores) | Open | Noise | 2025-02-07-003 | View | February 19, 2025 | CLOSED |
Firelane 24 (Pleasant Beach Rd) | 5401 Firelane 24 | Approval Granted (with conditions) | Noise | 2024-07-29-022 | View | August 23, 2024 | CLOSED |
Kleinsmith Rd | Kleinsmith Rd | Approval Granted | Noise | 2024-08-06-008 | View | August 20, 2024 | CLOSED |
King St. | 32-34 (175 King St) - The Belmont Restaurant | Approval Granted (with conditions as detailed on Page 10) | Noise | 2024-05-28-008 | View | June 15, 2024 | CLOSED |
Chestnut St. | 9 Chestnut St | Approval Granted (with conditions as detailed on Page 2) |
Noise | 2024-05-06-005 | View | May 24, 2024 | CLOSED |
Empire Rd. | 490 Empire Rd. (Sun Retreats Sherkston Shores) | Approval Granted | Noise | 2024-03-27-004 | View | April 24, 2024 | CLOSED |
Renfield St. | 57 Renfield St. | Request Denied | Fence | 2023-08-23-005 | View | October 17, 2023 | CLOSED |
Renfield St. | 57 Renfield St. | REVISED Application received | Fence | 2023-08-17-010 | View | September 14, 2023 | CLOSED |
Elm St | 690-700 Elm St | Approval Granted | Sign | 2023-07-20-006 | View | August 16, 2023 | CLOSED |
Charlotte St. |
32-34 (175 King St) - The Belmont Restaurant |
Approval Granted |
Noise | 2023-04-24-005 | View | May 9, 2023 |
Submit your comments to the above applications by completing the required Resident Comment Form for By-law Variance, or clicking the 'Open' status in the above table. Open applications above will remain open for 7 days. Although we accept all comment forms and appreciate the opinions of residents, any comments that discriminate or are upsetting in nature will be discarded. Once you have submitted your comment please do not submit another form to amend your current comment. Please allow 30 days for staff to review all comments and update the webpage. Any comments may become public record as part of the application review process.
Notice of Collection: Personal information is collected under the authority of the Municipal Act, 2001 and will be used for the purposes of administering public inquiries. Questions related to the collection of this information should be directed to the City Clerk:, 66 Charlotte Street, Port Colborne ON L3K 3C8, 905-228-8031.