The Port Colborne Heritage Subcommittee is a committee of the Port Colborne Historical and Marine Museum Board. The Heritage Subcommittee is responsible for advising Council on matters related to the conservation of historically and architecturally significant buildings and properties in the City of Port Colborne. Committee members consist of local residents on the Museum Board, who are primarily concerned with the protection of and education about the City's architectural heritage.
More information on Port Colborne's heritage can be found on the Heritage Planning webpage.
Terms of Reference
Museum, Heritage and Culture Board and Heritage Subcommittee Terms of Reference
Luke Brazeau
Gary Hoyle
Jeff Piniak
Bonnie Schneider
Cheryl MacMillan
Councillor Eric Beauregard
Upcoming Meetings, Agendas, and Minutes
To view the Heritage Subcommittee's upcoming meeting dates, agendas, and approved minutes, please click the following link:
Committees, Boards and Council Calendar
Additional Information
For more information, please contact planning@portcolborne.ca or call 905-835-2900.