
A Business Improvement Area (BIA) is an organized group of property owners and businesses within a specified geographic area that join together, upon approval of the municipality, to organize, finance and carry out physical improvements and promote economic development in their designated area. Each BIA has a board of management which is an organization set up to provide business promotion and improvement functions.

Borders of Downtown Business Improvement Area

Please access the Terms of Reference for the Port Colborne Downtown Business Improvement Area using the link below: 

Port Colborne Downtown Business Improvement Area Terms of Reference

Dave Elliott (Member of Council)

Rosemari Poisson

Anna Maria Crognale

Sara Nunziato

Larry Beverly

Sarah Armstrong 

Harry Hamilton

Bennett Terreberry

Upcoming Meetings, Agendas, and Minutes

To view the Active Transportation Advisory Committee's upcoming meeting dates, agendas, and approved minutes, please click the following link: 

Committees, Boards and Council Calendar

Previous Minutes:

Additional information:

For more information, visit Downtown Port Colborne BIA website.