Here you will find information on the services that make your city work! A lot of the infrastructure, resources and services provided by Engineering and Operations are not often though about, however, we use them every single day. From bridges, to roads, to sidewalks, the City works hard to make sure these resources are there for peoples' every day needs.
Bridge Status |
For current and upcoming bridge status within the City of Port Colborne, visit the Great Lakes St. Lawrence Seaway System website. For Port Colborne Bridge Closures. For more information and contact details for The St. Lawrence Seaway Management Corporation, please visit the Great Lakes St. Lawrence Seaway System website.
Roads |
The City of Port Colborne's road network consists of city, regional and provincially owned roadways totaling 291.12 km in length. Please consult our Roads Page for additional information on the types of roads in the City as well as road maintenance programs. |
Sidewalks |
The City of Port Colborne has a total 124.16 km of sidewalk throughout the city, which is inspected and rated on a yearly basis. What do I do to request a new sidewalk or advise the City a sidewalk (or section) is broken? In either case, contact Customer Service to arrange an on-site inspection. How much money is dedicated to fixing or replacing our sidewalks? The allocated budget for the 2025 annual sidewalk program is $697,000.00 Downtown Sidewalk Washing Program Every spring Public Works Crews complete a downtown sidewalk washing program. |
Streetlights |
The City of Port Colborne currently owns and operates over 2,100 streetlights. In 2014, the Street Light Retrofit program was initiated to replace all the High-Pressure Sodium (HPS) lights in use at that time with new Light-Emitting Diode (LED) lights. This program was completed in 2016 and has significantly reduced the amount of energy being used to light the city's streets at night. While the Ontario Ministry of Transportation and the Region of Niagara operate most of the traffic lights in Port Colborne, there are three locations that are operated by the City - Clarence Street & King Street, Clarence Street & Catharine Street, and Clarence Street & Elm Street. There are also two pedestrian crossing locations with lights controlled by the City - Main Street East at Wellington Street and Clarence Street at Catharine Street. If you notice that any of the City's street lights, traffic lights, or pedestrian crossing lights are not working correctly, please contact customer service or submit your request online. |
Traffic Calming |
The City of Port Colborne’s traffic calming policy establishes a framework for initiating and assessing the implementation of traffic calming measures on city owned roadways. The goal is to enhance safety for all users by addressing traffic related concerns throughout the community. The creation of this policy enables City Staff, Council members, and the Public to collectively agree on an objective approach and criteria for responding to and prioritizing traffic related requests and concerns. For more information, please view our Traffic Calming page, where you can access our Traffic Calming Policy and submit a Traffic Calming request. |
Winter Control |
Our goal is to maintain safe winter driving conditions throughout the City during a storm event. We clear, sand and salt City roads meeting or exceeding minimum standards required by the Province. Our winter control services are based on a priority system. There are three categories of roads, primary roads, secondary roads and laneways. Please visit our Winter Control Page to view more information and to see how you can help. |
Road End Parking |
To help residents and visitors understand the municipal by-laws for parking at City road ends along Lake Erie, staff have created descriptive maps for each of the road ends to clearly identify the by-laws restrictions and allowances. Please visit our Road End Parking Page to view the maps. |
Slow Down Safety Zone Yard Signs |
Lawn signs asking drivers to slow down are available to residents of Port Colborne. These signs promote safer streets and remind drivers to reduce their speed in residential areas. The signs are not enforceable by the Niagara Regional Police; however, enforcement of the legal posted speed limit is. The safety of all road users is a priority for the City. The signs can be displayed year-round. However, it is recommended to bring the signs inside during the winter months to maximize visibility and minimize weather impacts so the signs can be reused next year. How to get your sign? Each household is eligible to receive one free sign. Please bring proof of your address when you come to pick up your sign. You can pick up your sign at: Engineering & Operations Centre Port Colborne City Hall
Sign Placement Guidelines