The City of Port Colborne's road network consists of city, regional and provincially owned roadways totaling 291.12 km in length. City owned roads account for 242.59 km of the total network. 


If you have concerns about speeding on roadways and would like to inform  the authorities, please contact the Niagara Regional Police Traffic Hotline - 289-248-1060

Firelanes are located along the City's waterfront and consist of private and publicly owned roadways. Firelanes owned and maintained by the city include:
  • Firelane 4 (Beverly Road)
  • Firelane 7 (Ash Street)
  • Firelane 8 (Ashland Avenue)
  • Firelane 9 (Elm Street)
  • Firelane 22 (Maple Grove Road)
  • Firelane 23 (Woodland Road)
 Local Roadways 
 Local roadways mainly provide access to properties and are low traffic with low traffic speed.
 Collector Roadways 
Collector Roadways collect traffic from local roads and provide access to arterial roads and are low to medium traffic with low traffic speed. 
 Arterial Roadways 
Arterial roadways are for traffic movement with minimal access to properties and are medium to high traffic with medium traffic speed.
 Regional Roads 
 Regional owned roads account for 25.33 km of the total network and include the following:
  • Regional Road 3 (Main Street West)
  • Regional Road 3 (Main Street East)
  • Regional Road 5 (Killaly Street West)
  • Regional Road 84 (Miller Road)
  • Regional Road 98 (Wilhelm Road)
  • Regional Road 98 (Forkes Road)
  • Regional Road 3A (Welland Street)
  • Regional Road 3A (Mellanby Avenue)
 Provincial Roads 
 Provincial owned roads account for 23.19km of the network and include:
  • Highway 3
  • Highway 58
  • Highway 140
Truck Route

View our 2022 Truck Route map.


View map

Road maintenance program

The City of Port Colborne's roads are inspected and rated on a yearly basis to provide updated pavement condition index information. Road sections are inspected using a pavement evaluation system developed by the Ministry of Transportation adopted to all levels of road management.

The information provided each year is used to create a list of roads for each appropriate maintenance repair.

City of Port Colborne staff ensure that the road maintenance lists align with other capital projects (watermain and sewer construction projects) to ensure efficiencies and avoidance of project overlap. 

Types of Road Maintenance 


 Road resurfacing

Types of resurfacing:

  • Hot Mix Overlay: A new layer of asphalt is placed on top of the existing road
  • Hot Mix Mill & Overlay: A portion of the existing asphalt road is milled off and a new layer of asphalt is placed on the milled surface
  • Surface Treatment: Asphalt emulsion is sprayed on top of the existing road surface or other base material and is coated with a fine aggregate

2024 Road Resurfacing

Milling of these roads will take place in April
Paving of these roads will be completed in May
Note: Some roads may be delayed until later into 2024.


Road NameIntersection AIntersection B
Knoll Street  Northland Avenue Franklin Avenue
 Franklin Ave Fielden Avenue Woodside Drive 
King Street Charlotte Street Victoria Avenue
Kent Street King Street Elm Street
Fielden Avenue Royal Road Franklin Avenue
Stonebridge Drive Elm Street Petersburg Circle
 Killaly Street East Elizabeth Street East Limit



 Asphalt patch repair

  •  Spot locations repairing pot holes or utility work in a small concentrated area with hot mix mill and overlay

 Asphalt crack sealing

  •  Hot Rubberized Crack Sealant is applied to minimal fractures and cracks to seal and extend the life of existing asphalt

 Dust control

  •  Stabilization solution is applied to surface treated roads to eliminate airborne dust

Street Sweeping Operations

Occurring from spring to fall.

Here are a few ways you can help city staff:

  • Minimize street parking where possible
  • Do not sweep your driveway and sidewalk debris onto the road
  • Do not sweep the gutter or edge of road material into a pile
  • Remove hockey and basketball nets from the edge of the road. 

Roadside Ditching Program

The annual roadside ditching program begins in early spring. This work includes ditch excavation, culvert replacement, and roadside brushing. There will be an increase of truck and equipment traffic on roadways during this time. The work may also require road closures with access for local traffic and deliveries only.


The list of roadways undergoing the roadside ditching program for 2024, in no particular order, include:


Central Park Drain Both sides Janet Street Canal  2 weeks
Janet Street At Rear  Killaly Street  North  2 days
Snider Rd  East Highway 3 North approx 280 metres Completed
 Pleasant Beach   Both Sides Highway 3  South to Lake  3 weeks
 Holloway Bay Rd  West Schihl Drain   North to the watershed limit  8 days
Holloway Bay Rd  West Michner 200 m North on west side Completed
Michner Rd  Both Sides Various culverts   Completed



How much money is spent on fixing our roads?

The allocated budget for the 2025 Roads Resurfacing and Preservation program: $500,000.