Do you need a  Municipal Consent Permit?

You must apply for a Municipal Consent Permit if you plan to start any work, or place any items or equipment within the City of Port Colborne's road allowance, known as the right-of-way. This permit application is generally required for actions such as:

  • requesting new services to your property line
  • installing or widening a driveway entrance
  • curb cuts
  • installing a new culvert

You may request these services from the City for a fee or from a qualified contractor. Qualified contractors will require proof of commercial insurance in the amount of at least $5,000,000. A valid clearance certificate from the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board is also required.

If you need these City services, please see the schedule of rates and fees for current pricing.

How do I apply for a Municipal Consent?

If you would like to apply for a Municipal Consent Permit, please fill out the following application form. After submitting your application please allow 16-20 business days for approval. Note that all applications will be considered, but, not all applications will be approved. Upon approval, payment must be made at City Hall before the permit will be issued.

What types of work require a Municipal Consent Permit?

Other types of work or activities requiring a Municipal Consent Permit may include:

  • Transporting an oversized or overweight load on municipal roads
  • Placing a bin or dumpster for home renovation, debris clearance, etc.
  • Exterior maintenance of buildings that will violate the City's road allowance
  • Placing construction or other materials within the City's road allowance
  • Blocking designated parking spaces for nearby construction or maintenance work
  • Replacing or maintaining private-side services where connection at property line is required
  • Building a new home with a Building Permit
  • Demolishing an existing building with a Building Permit
  • Requesting a temporary road closure for construction or transportation purposes
  • Conducting traffic counts (other than manual counting) for private studies or reports


 Hiring your own contractor?
  • If you hire your own contractor, you must provide proof of commercial insurance in the amount of at least $5,000,000 per occurrence and the City of Port Colborne named as additional insured.
  • You must also provide a current valid clearance certificate from the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) with your application.
 When must you submit a Traffic Control Plan?

If your work will block or disrupt traffic, you must submit a Traffic Control Plan with your application (see Book 7 of the Ontario Traffic Manual).

 Working on a Regional Road or Provincial Highway?

If you are conducting work on a Regional Road or Provincial Highway, you will also need a permit from the Region of Niagara or the Province of Ontario.

 What are your Obligations?
  • You must follow the City's design and construction standards when conducting construction work within the City's road allowance under a Municipal Consent Permit (see Municipal Consent Permit Construction Specifications & Details).
  • If City-owned infrastructure (sidewalks, roadways, services, etc.) is damaged during construction, you or your contractor are responsible. Any damages made, must be restored to its original condition or better. Failure or refusal to complete the restoration, will result in a fee. The City will complete the work and an invoice covering the costs will be sent.
Rates and Fees for Municipal Consent
Service TypeNameDescription2025 Cost
EngineeringMunicipal Consent Permit FeeIncludes review, permit and inspection for all occupancy within the roadway.$385.00