
The core mandate of the Transportation Strategy Steering Committee (TSSC) is to provide input to staff and Regional Council through the Public Works Committee (PWC) on policies, programs, and initiatives related to building and planning balanced and sustainable transportation systems.

The committee shall participate in, or recommend studies and research related to its mandate and areas of focus as outlined in the sections below.

The committee, as directed by Regional Council and in alignment with Regional Council’s strategic priorities, shall collaborate with other agencies to develop alternatives and solutions related to transportation planning and policy development. 

The committee will also assist in forming advice and recommendations to the PWC in collaboration with staff.

Are you interested in making your voice heard in your community by joining the TSSC? If so, please complete the application form below:

Board and Committee Application Form

Please note: successful applicants should be aware their names will be public. 

Terms of Reference

View the TSSC Terms of Reference

Agendas and Minutes

For upcoming meetings and agendas visit https://www.niagararegion.ca/government/committees/tssc/members.aspx