At the City of Port Colborne, we are committed to conducting business in an open, transparent and accountable manner, and have embedded these principles within our various policies, practices and procedures. We make every effort to provide the community with as much information as possible, and do this by regularly publishing our meeting minutes, financial statements, and council reports to our website.

City of Port Colborne's Corporate Accountability and Transparency Policy

Freedom of information requests

Learn how to file a Freedom of Information request in the City of Port Colborne. You can request access to any government record that isn't publicly available.

Integrity Commissioner

The City of Port Colborne's Integrity Commissioner works to ensure that City Council operates in an ethical manner.

Code of Conduct

The Mayor, City Councillors and members of the City's Boards and Advisory Committees are expected to meet the highest standards of conduct when carrying out public functions. The standards are set out in the Code of Conduct for Members of Council and the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act.

Ontario Ombudsman

The Ontario Ombudsman works independent of Council. Find out how to make a complaint with the ombudsman.

Conflict of Interest Registry

The Municipal Conflict of Interest Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.M.50 requires municipalities to maintain a registry of all declarations made pursuant to this Act. A summary table of the registry is available below and is updated following each new declaration.

For those wishing to review the Conflicts of Interest declared prior to January 2021, please contact the Clerk’s Office.

Pecuniary Interest Disclosures

As per the requirements of the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act dated March 1, 2019, all municipalities in Ontario must establish and maintain a registry of written statements of interest disclosed by members at Council, Committee and/or Board meetings.

All members are required to submit disclosures of pecuniary interest in writing to a City Clerk. It is the responsibility of each member to determine whether they are affected by the pecuniary interest provisions outlined in the Act.