The City of Port Colborne's Vacant Building Registry By-law 7191/14/24 requires property owners to register vacant buildings each year. Every Owner of a Vacant Building must register the Vacant Building within 30 days of the date the building becomes vacant. 

Owners are further required to renew their registration on or before the one-year anniversary date of the date a Vacant Building is registered. 

Property Owner Responsibilities under the By-law: 

  • Register the Vacant Building within 30 days of the date the building becomes vacant.
  • Comply with all applicable legislation, regulations and By-laws (including, but not limited to the Building Code Act, the Fire Protection and Prevention Act, and any City By-law regulating property or building maintenance standards).
  • Monitor the building condition once every 2 weeks (or more frequently if required).
  • If necessary, provide report from a qualified individual to the condition of the building as may be required.

Owners are required to complete an inspection report as detailed further in the by-law. If you require further assistance please contact By-law Services at 905-228-8080. 

 Vacant Building - New Registration

To register your vacant building, complete the Vacant Building Registry Form and submit the required fee. Please note an application is not complete and will not be reviewed by staff until the required fee has been submitted.


  • Residential (excluding R4 Zoned Properties) - $1,315.00
  • Commercial and R4 Zoned Properties - $2,100.00
  • Institutional and Industrial - $3,150.00

If you are unsure of your zoning and amount required for registration, please contact By-law Services at 905-228-8080 for further assistance.

 Vacant Building - Yearly Registration Renewal

To renew your vacant building registration, complete the Vacant Building Registry Renewal Form and submit the required fee. Please note an application is not complete and will not be reviewed by staff until the required fee has been submitted.


  • Residential (excluding R4 Zoned Properties) - $1,315.00
  • Commercial and R4 Zoned Properties - $2,100.00
  • Institutional and Industrial - $3,150.00

If you are unsure of your zoning and amount required for registration, please contact By-law Services at 905-228-8080 for further assistance.

Administrative Penalties - Vacant Building Registry By-law

If an Owner fails to comply with the requirements of the by-law, an Officer may issued a penalty notice under the City's Non-Parking AMPS By-law as follows: