Urban Forest Management Project

The City of Port Colborne is developing an Urban Forest Management Plan to ensure that its urban/community forest will be sustainably managed for the future health and benefit of its residents, and the environment.

In Task 2 Phase 2 of this project residents will have the opportunity to provide engagement and feedback regarding the Urban Forest Management Plan and Strategy for the City. The strategy provides for the Urban Forest Management Plan to represent what the community tells the City that it wants. The survey will allow the City to focus on ideas from the community to guide in the selection of strategies to adopt to improve urban forest management in Port Colborne.

Urban Forest Management Survey

The engagement survey will be available until January 20, 2023. 

Paper copies of the survey are available for residents at City Hall. 


The Urban Forest Assessment together with the Urban Forest Management Plan (UFMP) will aim to increase, protect, and maintain the City of Port Colborne’s urban forest, develop community interest in urban trees and further public health and safety. The UFMP will satisfy other goals and priorities of the City of Port Colborne including community awareness and education on the importance of urban trees, tree canopy and greenhouse gas reduction and increased development of the tree canopy in disadvantaged community areas.

The City has retained William & Associates to complete the assessment phase of the Urban Forest Management Project.

For more information on the Urban Forest Management Project, visit our webpage.