Posted on Friday, February 05, 2021
Weather Statement

The Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry is currently predicting water levels to increase above current levels on Lake Erie by 1m (3.3ft), to an elevation of 2.13m (175.63m) due to strong winds.  Significant wave heights of 1.7m (5.6ft) are also forecast to occur along the Lake Erie shoreline. Peak water levels will occur Friday, February 5, 2021, late morning to early afternoon and will start to decline early evening Friday.

Residents living along Lake Erie should pay close attention to water levels and waves in their area and are urged to stay away from the shoreline of Lake Erie during this event.  Freezing spray may also pose a risk to shoreline properties and residents are advised to shut storm shutters.  Increased erosion due to strong waves is also possible.   

Information on the Flood Status in the watershed and water levels within local watercourses can be found on the NPCA’s website at:

Port Colborne Fire and Emergency Services is asking residents to be conscious of their surroundings. If you absolutely need to leave your home, please use extreme caution and be mindful of fallen trees, branches and flooding. Emergency Services are asking residents to avoid the Lake Erie shoreline to limit potential issues. Please do not put yourself, or the Fire Team at risk. 

What are City staff doing to prepare?

  • Staff have been monitoring the weather and will continue to do so to prepare infrastructure, including municipal drains
  • Factors that impact municipal drains during significant rainfalls are:
    • The amount of precipitation;
    • The duration of precipitation; and
    • Wind speed, gusts, and the direction of wind.
    • An increase in precipitation levels can increase water flow downstream from the drains toward the lake. However, when the wind increases, particularly a south or southwest wind, the levels on Lake Erie increase, pushing the water back into the drains.
    • Flood gates on the following drains have been closed to prevent the rising lake levels from impacting areas along the drain and to ensure the watershed has maximum storage capacity available for inland flows:
  • Eagle Marsh Drain
  • Wignell Drain
  • Weaver Drain
  • Oil Mill Creek
  • Staff will pre-install road barricades at H.H. Knoll Lakeview Park and surrounding areas in preparation for increased lake levels, for a quicker response time either during the day or after hours. These areas will be closed to all vehicular traffic, and residents are asked not to drive around barricades.
  • Forestry equipment, including chippers and chain saws, have been checked and serviced and chippers have already been hooked up to trucks to respond as needed to downed trees.
  • Contractors have also been placed on standby by and are prepared to respond to an emergency call for down trees in the municipality.
  • Crews in urban area are inspecting and clearing catch basins and grates for fallen leaves and debris. They are focusing on our vulnerable areas with mature trees to ensure water can drain properly off the road allowance. 
  • Both operation and administrative staff are prepared to respond to an after-hours emergency.

If assistance is required during regular hours or after hours, call 905-835-5079.