Weather update; Friday, February 5, 2021 at 7 p.m.
Weather in Port Colborne is still windy & a bit snowy. Just a reminder, if snow continues this evening residents are asked to refrain from parking on the streets as snow clearing operations are underway. The City asks that you move your vehicle to an alternate location until the streets have been cleared. Parked cars make plowing difficult and sometimes impossible. If vehicles are not removed from City streets during plowing and are found to contravene the By-law, they will be towed. With your help, winter maintenance crews can plow snow faster and more efficiently and reduce the chances of your car getting stuck in a snow drift. Please, do not park on the street and interfere with snow removal.
Roads will be plowed in priority sequence: Primary Roads; Secondary Roads; Laneways; then Parking Lots.
As a reminder, please do not clear snow from your property onto the roadway. Snowplows have no place to push the snow except to the curb or shoulder of the road. Sometimes this happens just after you have finished shovelling. City staff appreciate that this can be frustrating, however, we ask your cooperation in clearing the snow without placing it on the roadway. It is illegal to push snow from your property onto the street (Highway Traffic Act R.S.O. 1990, c. H.8, section 181). If you hire a private snow contractor to clear your driveway, make sure the contractor does not push snow into the travelled portion of the roadway or fill in the sidewalks.
Questions? Please call Operations at 905-835-5079.