The latest census data, released Feb. 9, 2022, revealed what City of Port Colborne council and staff have been experiencing and planning for: the municipality has grown by almost 10 percent.
As the second fastest growing municipality in Niagara, one might ask, “why Port Colborne”?
CAO Scott Luey’s response, “why not Port Colborne?”. Located on the south coast of the scenic Niagara Region, Port Colborne provides its residents with a variety of ways to PORTicipate, adding to the overall Niagara experience.
Luey commented further that “the city’s mission is to provide an exceptional small-town experience in a big way. Our port of call has found the perfect balance – successful industrial and commercial sectors, comfortable and scenic residential areas, popular beaches, unique culinary choices, a state-of-the-art recreation facility – the Vale Health & Wellness Centre, Sugarloaf Marina, fishing, golfing, trails, 88 hectares of parks, open spaces and natural areas, shopping districts along the historic Welland Canal and an energized festival and entertainment scene that includes our signature event, Canal Days Marine Heritage Festival, with plans to return July 29 – Aug. 1, 2022!”
With a now confirmed population over 20,000 Mayor Bill Steele commented that this growth “is a result of this council and past councils laying the groundwork for managed growth for the city. This growth bodes well for our current residents, the region as a whole, and is guiding our strategic plan and associated projects into the future.”
In the last four years the planning department’s statistics have been the city’s key indicators for growth and development, seeing:
- A 300 per cent increase in official plan amendments;
- A 236 per cent increase in zoning by-law amendments;
- A 65 per cent increase in site plan control/development agreements;
- A 139 per cent increase in pre-consultation requests; and
- Most recently, servicing to 77 lots in the Meadow Heights subdivision.
Since 2016, the building department has processed 1,839 permit applications, 768 (42 per cent) of those being residential permits.
“Port Colborne is open for business,” said Gary Long, manager of strategic initiatives. “Our planning, building, and economic development departments are busy reviewing plans for new subdivisions, apartment buildings, and infill developments, and later this year we’ll have an affordable housing strategy, updated CIP incentive programs, and surplus city real estate to be marketed.”
A 2022 budget presentation to council estimated that Port Colborne’s population could increase even more, estimating almost 13,000 new residents over the next 10-15 years. To support even more growth and investment, a city development team of key staff has been created along with service delivery process improvements designed to streamline the review and approvals process and align them with business timelines for decision-making. To attract development and revitalization, the city is also undertaking a comprehensive review of its six Community Improvement Plan (CIP) incentive programs to have public sector funding leverage private sector investment for brownfield remediation, industrial development, east waterfront revitalization, and downtown/uptown commercial districts. A multi-phased city real estate initiative that was implemented in the fall of 2020 is creating development opportunities with surplus land to maximize the value of city properties while achieving social, economic, and environmental benefits. The city is also retaining a consultant early in 2022 to create an affordable housing strategy and action plan to help manage the expected growth through good public policy and ensure that the community has access to affordable, adequate, and suitable housing.
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