The provincial COVID-19 vaccine registration portal is set to open Monday, March 15 and those 80 years of age or older will be eligible to book an appointment. Within the first 22 days of launching mass vaccination clinics, Niagara Region Public Health will hold clinics in all parts of the region. Niagara Region Public Health will have at least one clinic running every day of the week, rotating through different communities. Clinics will be open from 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. on March 18 and 19, and then from 9:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. for clinics March 20 and beyond.
While vaccinating as many people as quickly as possible is a priority, Niagara Region Public Health also wants to ensure every community in Niagara is served and those with difficulty travelling have a local option. First dates for Public Health clinics in each community include
- March 18 – Niagara Falls, MacBain Community Centre
- March 24 – Welland, Niagara Centre YMCA
- March 27 – Grimsby, Niagara West YMCA
- March 29 – Fort Erie, Leisureplex
- March 31 – Niagara-on-the-Lake, Community Centre
- March 31 – Wainfleet, Firefighters’ Community Hall
- April 1 – West Lincoln, Community Centre
- April 2 – St. Catharines/Thorold, Brock University
- April 2 – Lincoln, Lincoln Community Centre
- April 7 – Port Colborne, Vale Health and Wellness Centre
- April 8 – Pelham, Meridian Community Centre
The vast majority of Niagara residents live within 15 minutes of a clinic, and many live within 15 minutes of two or more clinics.
COVID-19 vaccination clinics will rotate to different communities at a frequency that mirrors the size of the 80 year-old and older population in those communities. To get a sense of the initial upcoming clinic dates, please visit Public Health's website.
When the provincial portal is open, eligible residents should have their health card ready as it will be required for booking an appointment. If support is needed to make an appointment, the portal does allow for a family member or friend to help. As soon as more information is available, including the website link and phone number, Niagara Region Public Health will share that with the public.
Eagerness for vaccines will continue to grow over the coming weeks and months, and Niagara Region Public Health asks for everyone’s continued patience, as wait times are likely for the provincial registration portal, both online and by phone.
Once an appointment is booked, on the day of their appointment residents will need
- The booking confirmation number or QR code from the provincial booking portal. Consider printing out this page or saving a screen shot to a mobile device to save having to write down the number.
- Their health card
- To wear a loose fitting top or t-shirt
- A mask
- Please arrive no more than five minutes prior to their appointment time. If residents arrive early, Public Health asks that they wait in their car until five minutes prior to their appointment time.
As always, for the most current COVID-19 vaccine information, visit the Niagara Region Public Health COVID-19 vaccination page.
A message from Niagara Region Public Health.