COUNCIL MEETING recap feb 25 2025

Deputy Mayor’s Report

Deputy Mayor Bodner thanked everyone for taking part in the recent healthcare public engagement activities and survey. He congratulated the Port Colborne Operatic Society on its production of Anything Goes. He thanked road crews for their efforts to clear snow from the roads during recent snow events. He congratulated Jeana Provias for her efforts at the Invictus Games, and discussed his upcoming attendance at the opening of the Chestnut Place affordable housing project.

Staff Reports

11.3 a. Council permitted the removal of the holding provisions applied to two vacant lots on Killaly Street East.

11.3 b. Council heard an overview of the 2024 beach season, as well as an outlook for the 2025 season. Council then directed staff to conduct a trial of vendors at Nickel Beach during the 2025 season and to move forward with the environmental project involving removal of invasive phragmites and installation of dune fencing.

Correspondence Items

11.4 a Council endorsed the Town of Fort Erie's resolution regarding provincial election health care advocacy and directed staff to prepare a similar motion to be brought forward with a staff report regarding the future of healthcare in Port Colborne at the March 25, 2025, regular Council meeting.

11.4 b. Council endorsed a resolution from the City of St. Catharines calling on the provincial and federal governments to continue to work together on potential tariff responses.

11.4 c Council endorsed a resolution from the Town of Fort Frances regarding the sovereignty of Canada.

Items Requiring Separate Discussion

12.1 Council enacted the Lodging House Licensing By-law, which triggered a name change to By-law 4322/159/02, which is now known as “Being a By-law to License, Regulate and Govern Bed & Breakfast Establishments,”; as well as an update to the Fees and Charges By-law to add Lodging House Licensing fees; and an update to the City’s Non-Parking Administrative Monetary Penalties By-law to add administrative penalties associated with the Lodging House Licensing. Council directed the resolution and by-laws to be circulated to the area municipalities in the Niagara region and that the area municipalities be encouraged to implement similar by-laws. 

12.2 Council directed staff to implement a public engagement plan regarding backyard chickens in the urban boundary in Port Colborne.

12.3 Council approved funding to design the dredging options of Sugarloaf Harbour Marina at an estimated cost of $500,000. Council also directed staff to gather public input on future development opportunities to enhance the waterfront and offset the cost of future dredging phases and capital upgrades at the marina.

Staff Remarks

CAO Bryan Boles reminded everyone that the healthcare survey remains open, and that a summary will be provided at the March 25 Council meeting. He also reminded the public that marina and grain terminal public consultation processes are beginning, with open houses at the Vale Health and Wellness Centre on March 5 and 6. Later, on March 18 and 20, there will be open houses related to water/wastewater.

Director of Development and Government Relations Gary Long said City staff have been participating in weekly calls with other development officers, government representatives, and local businesses related to discussions about tariffs. He discussed plans staff had made for the upcoming Good Roads conference.

Manager of Recreation and Tourism Greg Zwiep spoke about the selection of a consultant for the Parks and Recreation Master Plan, as well as the public consultation and council updates that will come with that process. He also discussed local minor sports associations having their registration processes open.

Director of Public Works Steve Shypowskyj thanked staff for the work they have done recently to clear snow. He said localized flooding could occur with some of the snow melt. He said staff are out actively looking to fill potholes. He said the clarence street project has allowed for the road to be opened. He then provided an update for the storm sewer project on Olga Street.

Councillors’ Remarks

Councillor Hoyle asked Public Works to check in on ponding taking place on Wellington Street. He thanked Public Works for keeping the arena well salted for a recent girls hockey tournament.

Councillor Danch asked about the length of time it takes for By-law matters to be addressed.

Councillor Elliott gave kudos to the teams completing the work on Clarence Street. He thanked teams for their work clearing snow and asked for additional communication to the public about how snow removal is done.

Councillor Bruno congratulated Bryan Boles on accepting the CAO position. He gave kudos to staff for their snow plowing. He asked about any tangible action that can be taken in terms of using Canadian companies and content in response to potential tariffs.

Councillor Bagu asked about snowplows creating a large pile of snow at the end of driveways. He asked about potential upgrades to sound systems in Council Chambers. He relayed that the library has begun their free income tax clinics for community members.

Councillor Beauregard provided an update on the Heritage Subcommittee’s actions, including the potential designation of properties. He said the Niagara Transit Commission has a survey out for public engagement.

Councillor Aquilina asked about enhanced communications related to free income tax clinics. She thanked everyone who came out to various healthcare events and for completing the survey.