Walker Industries is a company dedicated to the environment, community and safety of our employees and we want to do our part and help keep the communities in which we live and operate clean and safe. We hope to do this by making every day a “day of action on litter” by offering free disposal for any community clean-up initiative year round across Niagara Region.
Once the stay at home orders are lifted, the Walker Industries Thorold landfill will provide free disposal of litter collected by community groups who pre-register their 2021 community cleanup initiatives. Community groups must register their clean-up group in advance to be granted free-disposal by emailing kgoulding@walkerind.com. Please include group name, which municipality they are based in/will be doing their clean-up in, and expected date of clean-up.
For further information on guidelines for accessing free disposal for 2021, click here.
A message from Walker Industries.