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Sunday’s senseless attack on a London family was an act of cowardice and brazen violence that has no place in our communities.

We are now learning that this horrendous act was fueled by hatred, and the Afzaal family was targeted solely because of their Muslim faith. I agree with those who have defined this attack as an act of terrorism and this type of violent, brutal racism cannot not be tolerated.

Unfortunately, this violent act of Islamophobia is not an isolated incident, and we must all work together to eliminate hatred and prejudice where it exists.

Niagara joins the rest of the country in mourning the loss of the four members of the Afzaal family, and we wish a speedy recovery for Fayez Afzaal as he heals in hospital. On behalf of the people of Niagara, I wish to express our sincere condolences to the Afzaal family, and reiterate that we stand in solidarity with the people of London, Ontario, as well as Muslim Canadians across the country. 

A message from the Niagara Region