For more information on current applications, please contact the Planning & Development Department at 905-835-2900 ext. 202. 

Official Plan Amendment Applications
Subject Property/File No. 

Port Colborne Quarries Pit 3 Expansion - File No. D09-02-21

The application for Official Plan Amendment proposes to change the designation of the subject lands from Agricultural to Mineral Aggregate Operation. The application also proposes to add a Special Policy Area to permit the proposed expansion of the quarry.

D09-02-21 & D14-09-21 Notice of Public Meeting 

Westwood Estates Phase 3 - File No. D09-01-23

The application for Official Plan Amendment proposes to amend and refine land use designations on Schedule G – Westwood Park Secondary Plan of the Port Colborne Official Plan. The designations within Schedule G are proposed to be amended to refine the location and extent of natural heritage features and floodlines, stormwater management facilities, parks and open space, as well as low and medium density residential areas. The Neighbourhood Commercial Special Policy Areas are proposed to be deleted. A site-specific policy amendment is proposed along with the mapping modifications to reduce the required wetland buffer width from 30 metres to 15 metres. 

D09-01-23 & D14-02-23 Notice of Public Meeting

Colour Demonstration Plan

Covering Letter - Upper Canada Consultants

Draft Official Plan Amendment

Draft Zoning By-law Amendment

Draft Plan of Subdivision

Environmental Impact Study

Functional Servicing Report

Planning Justification Report

Stage 1 & 2 Archaeological Assessment

Stage 3 Archaeological Assessment

Stormwater Management Plan

Traffic Impact Study

Water Balance Report

Parkland Dedication - File No. D09-02-23

This City initiated Official Plan amendment proposes to make revisions to the Parkland Dedication section of the Official Plan. The recent changes under Bill 23 have provided for a reduction to the alternative rate for the collection of physical parkland, as well as cash-in-lieu of dedication.

D09-02-23 Notice of Hearing

Draft Official Plan Amendment

135 Coronation Drive - File No. D09-03-23

An Official Plan Amendment is being requested to re-designate the lands from Commercial Plaza to an Urban Residential special policy area designation. The proposed site-specific policies seek to expand on Policy 3.2.1 to allow an increase in density for stacked townhouses, providing a range of 70 to 100 units per hectare. Additionally, the special policy area seeks to add policies related to the siting of buildings, visual barriers for parking, landscaping and principal entrances so as to enhance the visual quality from the public realm.

D09-03-23 & D14-04-23 Notice of Public Meeting

Site Plan

Planning Justification Report - NPG Planning Solutions

Noise Feasibility Study


650 Main Street West - File No. D09-04-23

An Official Plan Amendment is being requested to redesignate the lands from Highway Commercial to a site-specific Highway Commercial designation to permit the development of a mixed-use building consisting of a combination of ground-floor commercial and residential units, together with upper-storey residential units. The six-storey mixed-use building is proposed to contain 95 residential units and 326 square meters (3,509 sq. ft.) of commercial space. 

D09-04-23 & D14-07-23 Notice of Hearing

Site Plan

Phase 1 ESA

Phase 2 ESA

Functional Servicing Report

Grading and Site Servicing Plan

Traffic Brief

Planning Justification Report

Revised Site Plan (23-11-10)

Shadow Study


174 Mitchell Street - File No. D09-05-23


An Official Plan Amendment is being requested to redesignate the 174 Mitchell Street property from Medium Density Residential to a Medium Density Residential special policy area designation. The proposed site-specific policies seek to expand on Policy 3.2.1 c) i) and ii) to permit a maximum density of 192 units per hectare and to reflect an apartment building as a permitted use in order to allow the conversion of the existing building to a 12-unit apartment building. 

D09-05-23 & D14-10-23 Notice of Hearing

Conceptual Site Plan

Planning Justification Report

Zoning By-law Amendment Applications
Subject Property/File No. 

Northland Estates - File No. D14-06-22

The Zoning By-law Amendment proposes to amend Zoning By-law 6575/30/18 to rezone the subject lands from R3 (Third Density Residential), RD (Residential Development), and EC (Environmental Conservation) to a site-specific MU (Mixed Use) zone, EC (Environmental Conservation), (P) Public & Park, and a site-specific R3 zone. 

The site-specific MU zone is being sought to permit a maximum height of 14 metres for residential and non-residential buildings. The site-specific R3 zone is being sought to permit a minimum lot area of 180 square metres and a minimum interior side yard of 1.5 metres for townhouse dwellings, and a minimum lot area of 327 square metres for detached dwellings. 

D14-06-22 - Notice of Public Meeting - September 20, 2022

D14-06-22 - Proposed Draft Plan of Subdivision

Archaeological Assessment

Environmental Impact Study

Functional Servicing Report

Noise Brief

Planning Justification Report

Traffic Impact Study

Water Balance Study


Port Colborne Quarries Pit 3 Expansion - File No. D14-09-21

The application for Zoning By-law Amendment proposes to change the zoning of the subject lands from Agricultural (A) to Mineral Aggregate Operation (MAO), as well as to reduce the minimum setback from a Provincial Highway from 90 metres to 30 metres. 

D09-02-21 & D14-09-21 Notice of Public Meeting 

281 Chippawa Road - File No. D14-01-23

 The application for Zoning By-law Amendment proposes to change the zoning from Residential Development (RD) to a special provision of the Third Density Residential zone (R3-XX). The special provisions are being requested for a reduction to lot area , front yard setbacks and exterior side yard setbacks for detached dwellings, semi-detached dwellings and block townhouses, as well as an increased lot coverage for detached dwellings and that more than one principle building be permitted on the property under condominium ownership.

D14-01-23 Notice of Hearing

Draft Zoning By-law Amendment

Air Quality Report

Environmental Constraints Assessment

Functional Servicing Report

Noise Impact Assessment

Geotechnical Report

Planning Justification Report

Stage 1 and 2 Archaeological Assessment

Stage 1 and 2 Archaeological Assessment Supplementary Documentation

Traffic Impact Study

Westwood Estates Phase 3 - File No. D14-02-23

The application for Zoning By-law Amendment proposes to change the zoning of the subject lands from Residential Development (RD) to a site-specific Third Density Residential zone (R3-XX), site-specific Fourth Density Residential zone (R4-XX), Public and Park zone (P), Environmental Protection zone (EP), and Environmental Conservation Layer zone (EC). Refer to the "Draft Zoning By-law Amendment" below for the specific changes proposed.

D09-01-23 & D14-02-23 Notice of Public Meeting

Colour Demonstration Plan

Covering Letter - Upper Canada Consultants

Draft Official Plan Amendment

Draft Zoning By-law Amendment

Draft Plan of Subdivision

Environmental Impact Study

Functional Servicing Report

Planning Justification Report

Stage 1 & 2 Archaeological Assessment

Stage 3 Archaeological Assessment

Stormwater Management Plan

Traffic Impact Study

Water Balance Report

VL Knoll Street - File No. D14-03-23

The Zoning By-law Amendment proposes to change the zoning of the subject parcel from First Density Residential to Second Density Residential to permit the construction of a semi-detached dwelling.

Notice of Public Meeting

Conceptual Site Plan

135 Coronation Drive - File No. D14-04-23

The application for Zoning By-law Amendment proposes to change the zoning from Commercial Plaza (CP) to a site-specific Fourth Density Residential zone (R4). The proposal is being requested to develop six stacked townhouse blocks with a total of 114 dwelling units. The site-specific zoning also seeks to reduce the minimum lot area per unit from 125 square metres to 114 square metres; reduce the minimum corner side yard balcony setback from 7.5 metres to 6.4 metres; and, reduce the minimum lower-level terrace corner side yard setback from 7.5 metres to 4.5 metres. A total of 144 parking spaces are proposed to be provided on site (1.26 spaces/unit).

D09-03-23 & D14-04-23 Notice of Public Meeting

Site Plan

Planning Justification Report - NPG Planning Solutions

Noise Feasibility Study


395 Elm Street - File No. D14-05-23

The application for Zoning By-law Amendment proposes to change the zoning from Second Density Residential with Conversion Holding (R2-CH) and Second Density Residential (R2) to a special Downtown Commercial zone to permit an 82-unit apartment building. The special Downtown Commercial zoning proposes to further amend the zoning by-law to permit 0.95 parking spaces per unit, where 1.25 spaces per unit is typically required; permit an aisle width of 6 metres, where an aisle width of 7.5 metres is typically required; permit a landscape buffer of 1 metre, where a landscape buffer of 3 metres is typically required; and permit a minimum landscaped area of 20% of the lot area, where 25% is typically required.

D14-05-23 Notice of Public Meeting

Site Plan

Planning Justification Report - Antech Design & Engineering Group


Vacant Lot & 563 Killaly Street East - File No. D14-06-23

The Zoning By-law Amendment proposes to amend Zoning By-law 6575/30/18 to rezone the subject lands from R1-CH (First Density Residential with Conversion Holding), and RD (Residential Development) to a site-specific R4 (Fourth Density Residential) zone and R4-H (Fourth Density Residential with Holding provision). The site-specific R4 zone is being sought to permit block townhouses, street townhouses, semi-detached and apartment buildings with reductions in lot areas and frontage, reduction in yard setbacks, and an increase in height. Additionally, one of the units is being proposed to permit a Neighbourhood Commercial use. The R4-H zone is proposed to be subject to the completion of a Stage 4 Archaeological Assessment prior to the Holding provision being removed.

D14-06-23 Notice of Public Meeting

Conceptual Site Plan

Draft Plan of Subdivision

Planning Justification Report - Design Plan Services

Archaeological Assessments - Stage 1 & 2

Functional Servicing Report

Land Use Compatibility Study

Noise and Vibration Study

Traffic Impact Study 

Environmental Site Assessments - Phase 1 and 2


650 Main Street West - File No. D14-07-23
The application for Zoning By-law Amendment proposes to change the zoning from Highway Commercial (HC) to a site-specific Mixed-Use zone (MU). The proposal is being requested to permit the construction of a six-storey mixed-use building which is proposed to contain 95 residential units and 326 square meters (3,509 sq. ft.) of commercial space. The site-specific zoning requests have been identified in the Notice of Public Meeting posted below.

D09-04-23 & D14-07-23 Notice of Hearing


Site Plan


Phase 1 ESA


Phase 2 ESA


Functional Servicing Report


Grading and Site Servicing Plan


Traffic Brief


Planning Justification Report


Revised Site Plan (23-11-10)


Shadow Study


179 Mellanby Avenue and 56 & 56 1/2 Main Street - File No. D14-08-23

The application for Zoning By-law Amendment proposes to change the zoning to a site-specific Downtown Commercial zone to permit an eight-storey, 101 residential unit mixed use apartment building, with 131.58 square metres of ground floor commercial space. The site-specific amendment also seeks to reduce the minimum landscaped area, increase the maximum gross floor area, reduce the number of parking spaces to 0.5 spaces per unit, and establish a maximum building height of 25.9 metres.  


Notice of Hearing

Site Plan

Site Servicing Plan

Cultural Heritage Evaluation Report



Functional Servicing Report

Planning Justification Report


Stormwater Management Design Brief

Traffic Impact Study

Rosedale Estates Subdivision - File No. D14-09-23

The Zoning By-law Amendment proposes to amend Zoning By-law 6575/30/18 to rezone the subject lands from First Density Residential (R1), Public and Park (P), Neighbourhood Commercial (NC-31), and Fourth Density Residential (R4-32) to a site-specific Third Density Residential (R3) and Public and Park zone (P). The site-specific amendment proposes to include special provisions requesting reductions to the minimum lot frontages, lot areas, front and side yard setbacks, and landscaped area. 


Notice of Hearing

Draft Plan of Subdivision

Functional Servicing Report

Traffic Impact Study

Planning Justification Report

174 Mitchell Street - File No. D14-10-23


The application for Zoning By-law Amendment proposes to change the zoning of 174 Mitchell Street from Third Density Residential with Conversion Holding provision (R3-CH) to a site-specific Fourth Density Residential zone (R4). The site-specific amendment seeks to reduce the minimum lot frontage from 18 metres to 14.158 metres; reduce the minimum lot area per unit from 125 square metres to 52.22 square metres; reduce the minimum front yard setback from 9 metres to 0 metres; reduce the minimum interior side yard setback from 3 metres to 0 metres; reduce the minimum landscaped area from 25% to 0%; reduce the minimum floor area per unit from 50 square metres to 24 square metres; as well as recognize the existing lot coverage of 43.5%, existing driveway width of 3.6 metres and existing 0 metre landscape buffer. The above is proposed in order to permit the conversion of the existing building to a 12-unit apartment building. 


D09-05-23 & D14-10-23 Notice of Hearing

Conceptual Site Plan

Planning Justification Report

Plan of Subdivision/Condominium Applications
Subject Property/File No. 

Northland Estates - File No. D12-01-22

The Draft Plan of Subdivision proposes to divide the subject lands in 122 lots for single-detached dwellings, 10 blocks for 50 street-townhouse dwellings, one mixed use commercial and residential block, a park, one block for a stormwater management facility and an environmental conservation block.

D12-01-22 - Notice of Public Meeting - September 20, 2022

D12-01-22 - Proposed Draft Plan of Subdivision

Archaeological Assessment

Environmental Impact Study

Functional Servicing Report

Noise Brief

Planning Justification Report

Traffic Impact Study

Water Balance Study

Westwood Estates Phase 3 - File No. D12-01-23

The Draft Plan of Subdivision proposes a total of 315 dwelling units and 195 Lots/Blocks. The subdivision proposes a mix of dwelling types, including 167 single-detached dwellings, 52 street townhouse dwellings, and 96 apartment units.

Colour Demonstration Plan

Covering Letter - Upper Canada Consultants

Draft Official Plan Amendment

Draft Zoning By-law Amendment

Draft Plan of Subdivision

Environmental Impact Study

Functional Servicing Report

Planning Justification Report

Stage 1 & 2 Archaeological Assessment

Stage 3 Archaeological Assessment

Stormwater Management Plan

Traffic Impact Study

Water Balance Report

Vacant Lot & 563 Killaly Street East - File No. D12-02-23

The Draft Plan of Subdivision proposes to divide the subject lands into eight blocks for 108 block townhouses, 30 street townhouses, 10 semi-detached dwellings, and 138 stacked townhouse units. One block is proposed to be set aside for the archaeological area in accordance with the findings of the completed studies. The block and stacked townhouses are proposed to be under a condominium development, while street townhouses and semi-detached dwellings will be freehold lots fronting on public roads.

D12-02-23 Notice of Public Meeting

Conceptual Site Plan

Draft Plan of Subdivision

Planning Justification Report - Design Plan Services

Archaeological Assessments - Stage 1 & 2

Functional Servicing Report

Land Use Compatibility Study

Noise and Vibration Study

Traffic Impact Study

Environmental Site Assessments - Phase 1 and 2


Rosedale Estates Subdivision - File No. D12-03-23

The proposed redline revision to the draft plan proposes to revise the approved Draft Plan of Subdivision to contain 131 single-detached dwelling lots and 118 street townhouses (total of 249 units), representing an increase from the currently approved 119 single-detached lots and 57 apartment units (176 units). 


Notice of Hearing

Draft Plan of Subdivision

Functional Servicing Report

Traffic Impact Study

Planning Justification Report