A Zoning By-law is used to regulate the use of land. It sets the land uses allowed in each area of the City, defines parking and landscaped areas, and controls building location, size and height.
The City's Comprehensive Zoning By-law (By-law 6575/30/18) came into effect in 2018.
Zoning Maps |
Frequently Requested Zoning By-law Sections |
First Density Residential (R1) Second Density Residential (R2) Third Density Residential (R3) |
What other types of Zoning By-laws are there?
Holding By-law |
A Holding By-law sets out the future use of land or buildings, but delays their development. Interim uses are usually specified. |
Interim Control By-law |
An Interim Control By-law is used to place a temporary “freeze” on certain land uses while a municipality is studying or reviewing its land use policies. A freeze can be put in place for a year at a time, to a maximum of 2 years. |
Temporary Use By-law |
A Temporary Use By-law zones land or buildings for a specific use for a maximum of 3 years at a time, with the possibility of further extensions. |
Zoning By-law Amendment
If a new use or development is proposed that does not comply with the existing By-law, an application for a Zoning By-law Amendment will be required. A Rezoning or Zoning Amendment can only be considered if the new use is permitted within the Official Plan.
Before submitting your application, it is required that you consult with staff to discuss the merits of your proposal and identify required supporting documentation. You must complete an application for a Zoning By-law Amendment. Please be sure to include all applicable fees in your application.
For a complete guide to understanding Zoning By-laws and Zoning By-law Amendments, check out our Citizen's Guide to Zoning By-laws.
Current Applications
Information on Zoning By-law Amendment applications that are currently underway can be found on our Current Applications Page.
Contact information
For more information regarding the City of Port Colborne's Zoning By-laws, please contact the Planning Department.