The appropriate planning fees are required to be submitted with planning applications. These fees help cover the cost of work done by planning, legal, infrastructure and public works in the review of development applications. The Region of Niagara and Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority may also require certain application forms and fees to be submitted as part of your application to the City.

Fees are to be submitted to the municipality with the planning application as part of the City's complete application policies. Failure to submit any of the required fees may result in a delay processing the application.

 2025 Planning Application Fees

Application TypeApplication Fee
Official Plan

Official Plan Amendment

Official Plan Amendment (Minor)

Adjournment of Official Plan Amendment (at applicant's request)





Zoning By-law

Zoning By-law Amendment 

Zoning By-Law Amendment (Minor)

Adjournment of Zoning By-law Amendment (at owner's request)

Removal of a Holding Symbol

Temporary Use By-law

Preparation of a Temporary Use Agreement

Extension of a Temporary Use









Plan of Subdivision

Draft Plan Approval of Subdivision

Redline Revisions/Change of Conditions to Draft Plan

Extension to Draft Plan Approval

Final Plan Approval

Amendment to Subdivision Agreement

Part Lot Control

Deeming By-Law

Discharge of a Subdivision Agreement


$15,650 base fee plus $55.00 per lot/block








Plan of Condominium

Draft Plan Approval of Condominium 

Redline Revisions/Change of Conditions to Draft Plan

Extension to Draft Plan Approval

Final Plan Approval

Condominium Conversion

Amendment to Condominium Agreement

Discharge of a Condominium Agreement

Condominium Exemption Request


$15,650 base fee plus $55 per lot/block








Site Plan Control

Site Plan Control Approval (agreement)

Site Plan Control Approval (no agreement)

Amendment to Site Plan Agreement

Discharging of a Site Plan Agreement






Committee of Adjustment

Minor Variance/Expansion of Non-Conforming Use

Minor Variance (Building without a Permit)

Consent (New Lot) 


Lot Addition/Boundary Adjustment

Adjournment of a Consent or Variance (at applicant's request)

Changes to Consent Conditions

Final Certification Fee

Validation of Title











Combined Applications

Consent & Minor Variance

Consent & Development Agreement

Minor Variance & Development Agreement







Quarry/Pit Establishment or Expansion

Telecommunication Facilities Consultation Process

Compliance Letter Express

Development Agreement

Discharging of a Development Agreement

Front Ending Agreement

OMB Subpoena - First Day

OMB Subpoena - Thereafter

Zoning Verification Small Projects (pool, signs, decks, etc.)

Zoning Verification Large Projects (dwellings)













Pre - Consultation

Pre-consultation Meetings (Major - Plans of Subdivision / Official Plan Amendment / Zoning By-law Amendment / Site Plan Control)*

Pre-consultation Meetings (Minor - Consent / Minor Variance)*






Municipal Consent Permit Fee**

Lot Grading Plan Review

Final Lot Grading Review

Development Sanitary & Water Modelling Analysis for Draft Plan of Subdivision

Development Sanitary & Water Modelling Analysis for Draft Plan of Subdivision

Development Sanitary & Water Modelling Analysis for Draft Plan of Subdivision

Development Sanitary & Water Modelling Analysis for Draft Plan of Subdivision







$4,200 (Water or Wastewater Only) 

$7,500 (Water AND Wastewater)

$2,600 (Water or Wastewater Only)

$5,000 (Water AND Wastewater)

Site Alteration Permit Inspections**

Site Alteration Permit (1,000m³)

Permit application fee to be applied where the fill being removed or placed exceeds the following limits per lot size:

  • 0.1 hectares or less/maximum of 10m3³
  • >0.1 to 0.2 hectares/maximum of 50m³
  • >0.2 to 0.5 hectares/maximum of 100m³
  • >0.5 hectares or larger/maximum of 500m³
  • >500m3 but less than 1,000m³


Site Alteration Permit (>1,000m³)

Permit application fee to be applied where the fill being removed or placed is greater than 1,000m³.


Site Alteration Permit Renewal/Extension (within limits)

Fee to be applied when a renewal/extension is granted two (2) months prior to the expiration of the Site Alteration Permit issued.

Note: A renewal/extension occurring after expiration of, or within two (2) months prior to the expiration of, the Site Alteration Permit is considered a new application and subject to new application fees.


Site Alteration Permit Renewal/Extension (exceeded limits)

Fee to be applied when a Site Alteration Permit (< 1,000m³) has been issued and subsequently, the amount of material has exceeded the allowable limits, and the renewal/extension is granted two (2) months prior to the expiration of the Site Alteration Permit issued.

Note: A renewal/extension occurring after expiration of, or within two (2) months prior to the expiration of, the Site Alteration Permit is considered a new application and subject to new application fees.


Post Site Alteration Permit Issuance Reviews

Engineering or zoning review or other changes after Site Alteration Permit has been issued.


Haul Route Inspections

Haul route inspections prior to, during and after issuance of a Site Alteration Permit.


Post-Commencement Permit Surcharge

Fees to be applied for any Site Alteration Permit application which has been made post-commencement of activities.


Site Alteration Violation Investigation

This fee shall be applied in any situation where work or activities have been undertaken for which a Site Alteration Permit is required but not obtained. This fee is in addition to all other fees, charges, and securities applicable under this By-law.




































150% of applicable fees



100% of applicable application fee (each occurrence)

 * The application fee is reduced by the amount paid for pre-consultation if the application is submitted within 18 months of the pre-consultation meeting date.

** A $1000.00 security deposit is required. The funds will be returned after final inspection if all works have been completed to the satisfaction of the City. The City has the right to use the funds if damage is not repaired or reinstated to the satisfaction of the City.


Refund of Fees

If an application is withdrawn before circulation to commenting agencies, ninety percent (90%) of the fee will be refunded . If withdrawn after circulation, but before notice of the public meeting is given, fifty percent (50%) of the fee will be refunded and if withdrawn after the notice of public meeting is given, but before the Planning and Development Services division Recommendation Report is prepared, twenty five percent (25%) of the fee will be refunded.


Any application which has been withdrawn and/or has been inactive for one year shall be considered abandoned and a full fee shall be required to activate a new application.


Note: Additional fees for most applications are required for Niagara Regional Development Services and the Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority review. Applicants are recommended to contact each agency for their respective Fee Schedule. If fees are required, applicants must make out separate cheques payable to each agency at the time of application submission to the City.


PDF of Planning Fees 

 Region of Niagara Development Fees

The Region of Niagara Development Applications, Forms and Fees 

The Region of Niagara Development Charges website

 Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority

 NPCA Planning and Permits website

 NPCA Planning and Regulation Fee Schedule 

Contact Information

For more information regarding the City of Port Colborne planning fees and charges, please contact the Planning Technician.