For help with registering a new business, please contact
To register your business in the directory, your business must be owned and operated within the City of Port Colborne. Businesses required to have a municipal business licence (see Business Permits & Licences) must obtain one before they can be registered in the directory.
Check your listing
Before registering your business, go back to the directory and search to see if your business listing already exists. To claim a listing in the directory and make changes to it, please contact
Register a new listing
- Return to the directory and click the ‘Register’ button.
- Fill in the form fields with information about your business.
- Click the ‘Submit’ button at the bottom of the page.
- Your listing will be saved and submitted for approval.
Please allow two to three businesses days for your listing to be approved. The City of Port Colborne reserves the right to edit, modify, vet and/or change any material submitted to the directory.
- The form contains a lot of fields, but only a few of them are required. Required fields are indicated with an asterisk (*).
- When entering your ‘Physical Address’ in the required fields, the Google Maps preview will update and pin the location. You can refine the location by clicking and dragging the pin.
- Your business will be assigned to categories by the administrator during approval. To ensure your business is categorized properly, it is best to provide a brief but clear description in the ‘Products and Services’ field.
Personal Information and Privacy
The City of Port Colborne is subject to the provisions of the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (MFIPPA). MFIPPA requires that a local government protect the privacy of an individual's personal information that exists in its records and that it follow rules regarding the collection, retention, use, disclosure and disposal of personal information in its custody or control.
Any personal information collected will be under the authority of the Municipal Act, 2001 and used only for the intended purpose of communication. Questions related to the collection of this information may be directed to the Communications Officer at or 905-835-2900 ext. 307.