We gratefully welcome donations. Your gifts help us enhance library services. A strong library helps create a strong community. Thank you for supporting us.
Would you like to donate now? You can donate online with CanadaHelps. It's easy, fast and secure. You can pay with Credit Card, Paypal or a Gift Card, and set up one-time or recurring donations. If you donate $50 or more through CanadaHelps, please contact us with the details for your plaque.
You can also donate by cheque or by cash, at the library or by mail. We'll send you a charitable tax receipt for donations of $10 or more.
For more information, view our Donations Policy.
Memorial donations
Our Donor Appreciation Wall is a great way to make a lasting tribute to loved ones. Thanks to you, their love of the library will continue to inspire others to read and learn. Plaques are available for donations of $50 or more. We'll send you a charitable tax receipt for your gift.
Donating materials
We accept gently used books and other items. Please call 905-834-6512 before dropping off your donations. We can let you know what we need and what we don't need. For example, we don't take used encyclopedias, textbooks or books that are damaged or musty.
We'll try to add your donated items to our collection or to our Used Book Sale. Either way, your gift makes a huge difference. Thank you for thinking of your library.
Used book sale
Did you know that we have gently used books, magazines, DVDs, music CDs and lots more for sale? Prices start at just 25 cents! Find a treasure or buy a gift. Help spread the word about our used book sale. It's our major fundraiser and we appreciate your help.
Buttons and more!
We also have library-themed buttons and other items for sale. Great for gifts or just for fun. Thank you for supporting us with your purchases.